Sunday, October 25, 2009

Strategies for Keeping Healthy This Winter

Here are some helpful strategies for staying healthy during cold and flu season.

1. Get plenty of rest. Winter is a time to slow down activities, to rest and relax, to look within. It is a time of introspection. Get plenty of rest, at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

2. Eat plenty of foods in the color of the rainbow - red, green, yellow, orange and purple. That means lots of fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, carotenoids and other health-promoting compounds that enhance the immune system.

3. Cut down on sugar. Refined sugar is inflammatory and suppresses immune function, making you more susceptible to illness, including chronic diseases.

4. Get plenty of exercise. Daily exercise promotes positive mood and also enhances immune function. Find something you enjoy doing. If you have a hard time getting motivated, it can sometimes be helpful to find a buddy to share these activities with.

5. Supplement with a good multi-vitamin, vitamin C and vitamin D. OK, I know vitamin D is everywhere in the media this past year, but the research is overwhelmingly positive. Vitamin D has profound effects on the immune system. Check out Dr. Cannell's site for a plethora of research in this area.
Dr. Cannell recommends adults supplement with at least 5,000 iu in the winter months. You can also get a vitamin D self-test kit through this website to measure your serum levels. It is recommended you test your serum levels before supplementing and then again in 3 months to see where you are.

6. Take elderberry syrup. See my previous blog posting on elderberries ( Science has demonstrated that elderberries help protect the cell walls against viral attack. Elderberry syrup can be taken as a preventive prior to getting ill, and also has been shown to decrease the severity and length of influenza should you get sick. I make a very tasty, alcohol-free Elderberry Syrup which you can purchase on my website at It's a local favorite in my community... who knew medicine could taste so good!

7. And finally, do what you love and love what you do. Laugh - Love - Give Thanks. Life is what you make it!

Many blessings to you and your loved ones!

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